Ride Challenge 2025

New Director’s Message

New Director’s Message

Happy New Year to the DHOG Family!
We’ve kicked off the year with a bang, starting with the Directors Ride, followed by an enjoyable Party After, and, of course, the much-anticipated Kerry Turner Annual Chili Cookoff. Between these events, we’ve also squeezed in a few weekend rides, keeping the spirit of riding alive.

Looking ahead, we are eager to participate in the Regional Chili Cookoff and gear up for the St. Patti’s Day ride. The weather has certainly been unpredictable lately, but with Spring just around the corner, we can expect the riding season to be in full swing soon.
Excitingly, we have four motorcycle rallies lined up this year! We will be heading to the Texas Hill Country Touring HOG Rally in May, the Mid-America HOG Rally in Missouri in June, the 85th Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in July/August, and rounding off the year with the Galveston Rally in November.

As always, our Thursday night dinner rides and monthly chapter meetings are great opportunities to enjoy the camaraderie of the DHOG Family. Whether you are new to the chapter, a long-time member, a weekend rider, or an avid long-distance traveler, there is something for everyone.

I look forward to serving as your director and riding alongside this wonderful group. 
As Bobby Jones would say, “Saddle Up!”

Alan Flies, DHOG Director

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