Greetings my DHOG brothers and sisters,


Well another picnic is in the past. I hope everyone had a great time. I sure did. I wish everyone could have made it but we had a pretty good turnout. Wish more dealer employees would’ve come out.

I really want to thank some folks who helped make this a success. All of our board members Alan and Tracy Flies, Kim Parise and Cyndi Armlin, Kristi Gouge and Kenny Baker, Brett and Michelle Moore, Patti and Merle Price, Joanne and Harry Taylor, Greg Masterson, Amanda Gonzalez, Wren, TJ,  Jessia and all those at Dallas HD that are there for us. Todd Shockley and Kelly, of course. Toad for always reminding me “direct, direct” and for heading up some great rides. Lowell and Kelly Moon for handling the 50 50 and of course, Katie Branch for ending my ridiculous storage building hunt. Ask me sometime folks and I’ll tell you the story. James Branch for all the advice.  Chewy for always smiling even when he didn’t win anything, sorry brother, next time. Bryan Montgomery for all the great pictures and also Sheila Mcqueen for all the pics she takes. Hell, all of you that take pictures, thank you, thank you, thank you. I know I’m forgetting a lot of folks I want to thank, so please don’t get pissed if I didn’t mention you. I could’ve just copied and pasted our current membership list because I love all of you.


But who would I be if I didn’t thank my amazing wife, Sheri Sharp for keeping me focused. I‘d be a dead Director is where I’d be.


Don’t forget the meeting July 1st and the car show at St Michaels July 8th  


See you soon everyone,

